If there is a quintessential Clubhouse success story, Abraxas Higgins is it. The Wall Street banker turned music marketing strategist turned audio influencer (is it a thing? We're gonna go ahead and say it's a thing) is now a hallway mainstay whose face is as in-demand as his soothing voice. The UK native has bounced across the pond to Los Angeles and New York over the course of his career, but it's his regular show "9AM in London" that made the community fall in love.

That's why we felt he was the perfect icon to wrap up 2021. Not because he's the most-followed person in the UK on Clubhouse. Not because he makes more money now from brand partners than he did as an investment strategist — although we couldn't help but mention it. But because he's someone who saw another path, an unexpected one, and instead of being scared, he stepped right into it and followed that path into a new and wonderful life.

Abraxas aspires to be the head of the so-called "great resignation" and anyone who meets him is liable to follow in his footsteps.  If you find yourself dreaming of paths diverging in a yellow wood lately, join the Icon to Icon conversation in Clubhouse HQ [Friday, Dec 24 at 8AM PST / 5PM GMT] to get to know this remarkable human.