Hi 👋 . This week we have a few more product updates designed to make your Clubhouse experience even better — especially when it comes to sound quality and search.  So without further ado, we’re going to get things started with Music Mode which is rolling out today!
Music Mode
Calling all musicians! Today we’re introducing Music Mode, a new setting that helps you sound your best when performing on Clubhouse. Whether you’re workshopping that new song, playing piano, or hosting a jam session with your friends, Music Mode optimizes Clubhouse to broadcast your music with high quality and great stereo sound. You’ll also be able to use professional audio equipment for your performance, like external USB microphones or mixing boards.
To enable Music Mode when you’re speaking in a room, tap the three dots and select “Audio Quality” from the menu. Then choose the “Music” option to start your jam session. For those listening, you won’t need to hop on stage for better audio quality (so stay in the audience if that’s your mood!) You’ll also be able to hear stereo audio whether you use headphones, a speaker, or just your phone.

We’ve also added stereo support to Clips, so any snippets you share from performers using Music Mode will also sound great!
As was the case with spatial audio, Music Mode will roll out on iOS first with Android as a fast follow. Make sure to check out some rooms hosted by Axel, Bomani, Tom Newman and more to experience Music Mode out in the wild this week.
Updates to Search
We’ve gotten some amazing feedback from the community about universal search and we want to make it even easier for you to find that creator that made you laugh, that language club to practice your speaking skills (hi Mohit!), or that room about the breaking piece of news that you just have to talk about right now. So in addition to some under the hood improvements, we’re moving the search bar to the top of your hallway for easy access.
To start searching, just scroll to the top of your hallway for the search bar. And bonus - you’ll now be able to wave at your friends directly from Search on iOS (and this will be coming to Android soon)!

That’s all for now. We’ll be back again soon with more updates, but in the meantime, keep testing these features and reporting bugs. And as always, thank you for being part of the amazing community that is Clubhouse.